Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm Crafty

I was so crafty last night. I made Pilgrim hat cookies for my work Thanksgiving today. They were supper easy but look cute. They consist of fudge stripe cookies, Recess peanut butter cups, and orange icing. I forgot to take picture so use your imagination.
Also, very exiting news, I finished Steve's scarf. Now I only have three unfinished projects. Yeah!

He was thrilled to have to pose for this picture, let me tell you. I know the scarf looks pretty boring, but it's hard to do anything fancy and still have it look manly. There is a pattern to it but you can't tell in the picture. Hope everybody has a crafty and productive day.

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Tell Steve I think he looks super-hot in his new scarf, and all of your readers appreciate the eye candy!! :) Nice scarf, seriously...I am impressed!

Andrea Frederick said...

It looks nice and toasty! I have seen those cookies before, they are cute. You are going to be an obnoxious mom who send their kid to school with cute things for holidays! I can see it already.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

mike wants a man scarf, too...maybe that'll be my first real project. i'll probably get it done just in time for summer!