Wednesday, November 5, 2008

He Cried

When I dropped Levi off at Barb's today he cried. I feel so bad I don't know what to do.
I know that two minutes later he was fine and playing, I know because I called. I know that he loves going to Barb's a playing. Usually when I go to pick him up I have to pry him off of whatever toy he's playing with to get out the door. Barb plans all kinds of fun activities for the kids. In October they painted pumpkins, painted ghost with there feet, made pumpkin picture frames complete with cute picture, and had a Halloween party. I love our babysitter and I know she loves and cares for Levi like her own kids.
But, he cried.
I know that I can't be a stay at home mom. I don't have the temperament for it. I love and appreciate my baby so much more by working. Every moment that I get to spend with him is precious and sure I wish that time was longer, but I know that I can't handle being home with him all the time. It's the right decision for me. If that makes me a bad mom then so be it.
But, HE CRIED, and Barb got to cuddle and comfort him. NO FAIR. Okay now I'm going to cry, and count the minutes until I can go and hug him again.

Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

they ALL go thru that. he will probably cry tonight when you pick him up b/c he doesn't want to leave. you will be alright:) it makes you feel bad though.

Andrea Frederick said...

bummer, and then when you left, he laughed b/c he made you feel bad!