Thursday, November 6, 2008

Church Shopping, Take 2

Steve and I tried a new church last weekend. We went to the very first service at this church. You may have heard about it, apparently it was on the news. It is a new multi-site church, which means in this case that they broadcast the base church's sermon and everything else happens on site, music, communion etc... It is new, shiny, exciting, and not for us. Apparently I'm old. I like to think of myself as young and hip, but I'm not. (Evidenced by my use of the word hip I'm sure.)
The music was Christian contemporary which I don't mind at, all except for two things. 1.) It was very loud, and while I know that makes me sound old again, I have 15 month old ear drums to worry about. The whole time I was worried I was causing my baby permanent hearing loss. I'm a speech path. person I worry about things like this more then your average person, I think, but anyone with small children would have agreed. 2.) I couldn't sing along. If you have read my blog before you probably know that I have delusions of grandeur in this area. Church is the only place that I feel I can really sing in public without ridicule. (Well at least no one says anything to me. They are all probably thinking, "Hey, keep it down Celine.") They put the words up, but no one else was singing and it was too loud to be heard even if you tried. Which may have been their plan, I don't know.
The sermon was interesting and funny, but in my opinion a little light on substance. I guess I was a victim of some high expectations on my part. I wanted to be set on fire and I wasn't even warming up. The lead pastor whom I really like only did a couple of prayer I was hoping to hear more from him.
There were plenty of good things too. It was nice to see so many excited faces at church and they had done coffee shop and bookstore, sort of a neat idea for a church. I actually really liked the use of technology, they did a nice job not making it seem to cold and technical. I like the band except for the volume.
Anywho, bottom line is the search will continue. I felt to old for this church. I think that I want a little more of a traditional church, but I don't know. I guess I just want to walk in and get that feeling of home and peace that I do at my home church. I'm afraid I'm just not going to find it. I know it's not that far and I could drive to church in Lancaster. The problem with that is I want to be part of the church community and I feel like it's a little to far for me to be as involved as I would like to be.
I don't want you to think that I'm being critical. This was a very nice church and it is obviously the right fit for a lot of people, just not me and my family. I was thinking, I wish you could read reviews of churches, you know like movies. Then you could know what you were in for when you tried them, not waste a Sunday at a church your not going to like. So, I guess I've decided I would do my own version here, maybe it will catch on someday.
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

Good luck on the search. Maybe you should try the Methodist church in KV. My friend, Jeanne really likes it. They even had a trunk or treat for Halloween. Just a thought...
I would always love to see you and Levi every sunday at LCC...and Steve too!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Much as I'd personally love to have you at LCC I most definitely see your point. Mike & I lost out on a lot when we were living in K-ville & Bloomfield--didn't get to feel like a part of the ins & outs of the church. I have a friend who went to Countryside Christian in K-ville...I e-mailed her to see what it was like & I'll let you know what she says.