Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day Care Help

Does anyone have any leads on day care providers in our area? Barb informed me yesterday when I went to pick up Levi that she wasn't going to watch kids anymore. Her last day will be Dec. 24th, so we are frantically trying to line up an alternative. I have two interviews lined up for next week, but I feel like the more options I have the better I'm going to feel about our final choice.
The worst part of this whole thing is I feel like it will make Levi's separation anxiety worse. He's been doing pretty well lately at Barb's, but he knows her and all the kids there. I know kids are adaptable and he will be fine, I just hate the idea of him crying and not having anyone he knows to comfort him. The only people who have ever watched him are Barb and my Mom.
Anyway and information would be greatly appreciated. I'll let you know how the day care hunt goes.
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

that stinks! i have been very fortunate to have the same babysitter since braxton started going. i hope you find one and a good one at that.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

oh man! i'll be on maternity leave for 8 weeks if he wants to come hang out with us :)..okay, probably driving to lancaster everyday isn't your first choice. i don't know anyone but will start nosing around. what a bummer!

Andrea Frederick said...

I haven't heard good or bad about your interview on Monday. Good luck!

Corin said...

Jenn- your so sweet and I wouldn't be opposed to driving to Lancaster if it meant nice reliable day care, but there is no way I would steal your bonding time by forcing my child on you. Thanks for the offer though.