Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Cuties

My parents took pictures of Kaitlyn and Levi this weekend to send with their Christmas cards. This is the same horse from the Halloween pictures. They just love that thing. Here are some of the cutest ones.
My personal favorite. They look like such little angels.
Kaitlyn looking at Levi like he's crazy.
I just love the expression of Levi's face here.

Of course neither of them could put down there stuffty. Kaitlyn is also trying to rock in this picture. My dad said you had to watch her or she would buck Levi off the back.

Okay, so there is a little cuteness for your morning.

On a more serious note. My mom is having a heart procedure this morning please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. I know it's a common procedure but I'm still very nervous about it.

Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

very cute pictures! hope all goes well for your mom.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

very sweet! i didn't read until tonight but i'll be praying that she's recovering well.