Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who, Me?

I have wanted to do this post for so long. It's actually one of the reasons I wanted to start a blog just so I could do this. I know everyone else has already done it; don't rain on my parade man. It's the little things in life that I get excited about.

I Am...a Mom, Wife, Friend, a Hard Worker, Crafter, and all around nervous mess.

I be good at all of the things on the list above. Well, except the nervous mess, I'm already really good at that.

I Have...nothing to complain about; that doesn't stop me though.

I Wish...I didn't care what people think of me.

I Hate..."The Horse Whisperer", "Reality Bites", and a slue of other movies that are suppose to be romantic. I know it's sacrilege, but I don't really care for "Dirty Dancing".

I Fear...the loss of a loved one.

I Search...for that perfect food that taste like chocolate and has negative calories like celery.

I Regret...not cheering my Senior year.

I Love...I could write pages and pages here and I love that. Short list: Levi and Stephen.

I Ache for...more time with my baby.

I Always...Laugh at the most inappropriate times.

I Am Not...a very patient person.

I Dance...all the time especially with Levi, but pretty well anywhere. I've embarrabased myself many a time by not knowing people were watching.

I Sing...when and where ever I can. I shouldn't; but I do.

I horror movie. I watched the "Ring" a few years back and didn't sleep for a week. Poor Steve had to check the house before bed for months.

I fish. Yuck!!

I Cry...all the time, movies commercials, baby showers, weddings. I'm probably the only person who cried during "Armegedon".

I Am Not Always...right. But I'm never wrong, just ask Steve.

I Am Confused About...why people (especially children) have to suffer.

I laugh. Even in my darkest hours if I can laugh I know it will be okay and I feel better.

I Should...Worry Less.


Andrea Frederick said...

O.K. I regret you not cheering your senior year too, I hate that you hate Dirty Dance, b/c I'm thinking of all the times I made you watch it! What a good friend you are! I cried during Armeggdon too. I'm so glad you are blogging!

Corin said...

No way, you cried during Armeggdon too. We should have gone together then I wouldn't have felt like such a dork. Balling by myself, my date was thrilled let me tell you.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

i still cry when i watch Armeggedon (so why do i watch it?)...

Amee Jones said...

I cry every time I watch "Armegedon." YES, even the stupid part when he sings, "Leavin' on a Jet Plain."