Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Lock the doors and hide your children blogging world, I'm here. So, after much debating with myself I've decided to start a blog so that I can get things out of my head and not think about them anymore. Not so much a journal as therapy for the over-analyzer in me. I'm hoping to be funny but you may not think so. I promise to be honest. So fasten your seat belts here I go.

Okay, So I know I said I wanted to be funny but this isn't going to be funny. I saw something this morning that really disturbed me and I really wanted to share my feelings on it. I've decided to boycot the Today show. During a segment on a friendly fire cover up this morning they showed footage of a soldier dying. Sure they put up a warning and blured his body, but I still just don't think that's right. I believe it was disrespectful to the PFC and his family and showed a complete lack of class on NBC's part. I wrote them a letter telling them just what I've told you but I feel like I want my voice on this to be bigger then an e-mail that will probably not be read and even if it is forgotten shortly after. So I'm writting it here for all to see in the hopes of making myself heard. I know they say if you don't like it then don't watch and thatjust what I intend to do, not watch. I'm just hoping to convince someone else to not watch with me. Maybe we can return to the good old days when there was integrity in journalism.

On a happier note, If you are interested in some good news check out www.goodnewsnetwork.org. They actually report on good things happening in the world. A brave choice that I really appreciate.

Thanks for reading. I feel better already.


Andrea Frederick said...

YAY...I was thinking about telling you to start a blog, b/c you are a great writer, but figured you would laugh at me! I LOVE it! I do not watch the Today show, but if I did I would stop right now! Just for you. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Hey Corin!! I will be reading....I love keeping up with everyone on their blogs. I'm so excited you started one. Oh...and thanks for all the memories on the Class of '98 blog. I miss living closer to you guys as well. Maybe one day...

:) Sara

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Yay! I love reading your writing...it just flows! So glad you're a blogger & good job with the today's show thing! I'm not a Today's show watcher but now I never will be!

Stacey and Ryan said...

You'll be happy about this--in the crazy events that took place in getting ready this morning, I managed to get the TV changed when the local news went off and the Today show came on.