Friday, October 31, 2008

Truly Scary

In honor of Halloween I thought I would make a list of things that really scare me.
  1. Spiders: I have an unnatural fear of these creepy crawlies. Steve just laughs at me when I come and tell him there is huge spider he needs to kill, then it turns out to be the size of a pea. We have several around the house this year. I told him I thought they were going to encase the house and eat us.
  2. The words, "Corin, when you have a minute", comming from my boss. These six word strike fear in my heart. I know there is a time consuming task, that he will likely have frogoten before I get it done, in my future.
  3. Deer. That's right, I'm afraid of deer. Why, you may ask, b/c Bambi has a bad habit of running in front of cars to see how fast they can stop. You hit a deer going 60 and you'll be afraid of them too.
  4. Comming up a penny off on my daily rec. out. After I've entered all my invoices and I compare the total to the computer's, I get all excited thinking it's right it's going to come out right the first time. And then it happens I get to the last number and it's wrong, I scream "NOOooo." (Okay so maybe I don't scream it but I think it.) That darn penny is the hardest to find.
  5. The phone ringing when Levi is asleep. You should see Steve and I fall over one another trying to get to it. Then I look to Levi's room and hold my breath to see if the grouch monster has been awakened.

Okay, that's all I can think of right now and I have to get statements done (that's scarry right there). Have great Halloween everyone. I'll try and get pictures of Levi up on Mon. but no promises.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Andrea Frederick said...

I am anxiously awaiting pictures of Levi. Also, I am guilty as charged for being the late night phone caller...sorry. Your invited to supper ASAP!!