Monday, November 3, 2008

Lions, Monkeys, and Turkeys, Oh my!

I Bet that you have never seen a Lion and a Monkey ride a horse.

You have know. Just to be clear the Lion is Levi the Monkey is Kaitlyn and the horse is, well just a horse. Aren't they all just too cute. They had the best time riding that horse. First Levi in front, then Kaitlyn in front, then back again. Levi did very well with his Lion mane. I only got him to growl a couple of times and I don't think anyone heard but that's okay. He's cute enough he doesn't need to do tricks.

Poor little guy was sweating in his costume. I'm pretty sure the designer of these costumes did not anticipate the 70 degree weather.
Kaitlyn and Levi with my dad.

This is a dancing turkey that my Grandma Duffer had. Levi loved it and hauled it all over the house, dancing with it.

Okay, this isn't a Halloween picture but I thought it was cute. Levi likes for Steve to hold him like this and then chase the dog around the house. I laughs his big ol' belly laugh, and we'll do just about anything to hear that laugh. Poor Winnie she is so tortured and abused. Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween now it's on to Thanksgiving.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Andrea Frederick said...

LOVE IT! Thanks for posting pictures, I know it's a pain.
P.S. I can't wait to see you in a tutu and duck boots for deer viewing!