Thursday, October 16, 2008

Okay, Sooo, I guess I'll see you later.

Well, my son's clingy phase lasted all of three days. Oh, they were a glorious three days. I would put him down at the sitters and he would hug me and stay by my side. I would have to get him interested in a toy or hand him to Barb (the sitter) befor leaving. He never cried, because that's not his style, but I could tell he didn't want me to go. Since he could walk he has always come running when I pick him up in the afternoon, a big smile on his face, happy that Mommy is there to get him. Ah, the good old days.

Yesterday when I went to pick him up he was playing with Barb's phone. The phone is his new favorite toy, he picks it up and says hi and then jabbers away, its hillarious to watch. Anyway, he saw me and smiled, I was thinking here he comes. Wrong, he turned and headed to the play room. So I chase him down and he is trying to take another phone from a little girl. I picked him up happy to be reunited with my baby and he cried and wriggled and pitched a fit. All he wanted was the phone back. What happened to my snuggly little boy that is glad to see his Mommy.

I convinced myself that it was just a one time thing, his new love of the phone that caused him to cast me aside so carelessly. Then this morning when I droped him off he made a bee line to the play room as soon as his feet hit the floor. No hug, No wave good-bye, he didn't even stick around to watch me go. I look at Barb and laugh, pretenting my heart isn't broken. My little man is grown up already, he doesn't need me anymore. Don't get me wrong I'm glad he likes his sitter and has fun there, but for my benefit couldn't he pretend to be sad I'm leaving. I'm not proud, I'm not above a pitty hug.


Twin Brooks Mosaics/NippedAndCut Mosaic Art & Jewelry Supply said...

Corin~ You remind my so much of myself with my boys. It aches to see them growing up so fast. Enjoy every monent!

You've been tagged! See my blog for more info. :)

Andrea Frederick said...

I remember those days too, do I feel happy b/c he likes his sitter or sad b/c he doesn't come running to me? If we were all good SAHM's we wouldn't have to ask that question!

Corin said...

Thanks for the brain teaser. Took me 5 min to figure out what a SAHM was.