Thursday, October 23, 2008

Look Pictures!

I feel like I'm losing my audience. I'm boring you, right? Nobody cares about my binkie obssesion or my seperation issues. Well, I've decided the best solution to hook you again are cute pictures of Levi. I mean who could resist that? As long as I sprinkle these in every once in a while you'll have to keep checking back that's my theory. So here they are:

This Levi riding Lady, Colby's pony. Doesn't he look like quite the little farmer in his overalls. Thanks for the pony ride Andrea he loved it

Steve and Levi at the windmill museum in Kansas. Yes that's right our vacations are so exciting we go to places like the mindmill museum. I know you all want to tag along next time don't you.

This is from Tuesday. We gave Levi Spaghetti and let him go.

He loved it! I think he mostly liked the mess he got to make but he did eat quite a bit of the spaghetti too.

See, that was worth reading my blog for right there.

Thanks for reading have a great day.


Andrea Frederick said...

Much better than the binkie obsession! Love the pictures. I can't wait to see him again..he'll be so much fun at my new house and all the stairs!

Bree Shaw said...

the spaghettie pics are priceless. very cute. thanks for sharing:)

Finding Joy in the Journey said...


Anita J. said...

Wow. When you're that handsome with spaghetti on your face you really have it going on! He is gorgeous!