Friday, October 24, 2008


Steve's brother and grandma are visiting this weekend. This is how I envision things going:
They arrive we all hug and say hi. Then ten minutes later, when we have exhausted all topics of conversation, we will turn our attention to Levi. Thankfully my little ham is excellent at entertaining especially when he knows he has your attention. Then at 7:30 or 8:00 when Levi goes to bed we will stare at each other in silence until finally someone will suggest we turn on the TV. Oh, blessed TV my savior from awkward silence. And that's just Friday night.
It's not that they aren't lovely and fun people, they actually are. It's my fault really, I am horrible (and I mean horrible) at small talk. Unfortunately Steve isn't much better. He won't be offended I'm writing that either, he knows it and freely admits it.
So, painters I envy you. You will have a task to focus on, an easy reason to not talk if you can't think of anything to say.
Have great weekend everyone. I'll let you know how it went Monday. For everyone at my houses sake lets hope you can't really die of boredom.

Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

you could all talk about "7 weird things about yourself". that might kill a little bit of time:)

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

i understand...hope it went well!