Monday, October 20, 2008

Church Shopping

Steve and I are in the market for a new church, I know we have lived here for two and a half years and are just now getting around to this. Please don't point it out I am aware that we are heathens. Anyway, we tried one this weekend that we both liked okay. This is how every introduction went:

Church member: Hi I'm So and So.
Steve And I: Hi Steve and my wife Corin.
Church member: Do you know someone who goes here?
Steve and I: No
Church member: So you just showed up?
Steve and I: Yep.
Church member: Huh. Where did you find out about our church?

Steve says that was the logical line of questioning but I felt like it was kind of weird.
We are going to try another church this weekend. I was just thinking about how picky I am in this process. I want so many things from my church going experience. I want an interesting pastor and kids programs and a great sense of community and lots of young people. (Steve and I tried a church once in WA and I swear the median age was like 70. They were all very nice but we felt a little awkward.) It got me wondering, what is important to you in your church? Am I being to picky?

Thanks for reading and commenting.


Andrea Frederick said...

i think a good children's program is important too! don't jump in too soon, and i you have an odd feeling, it's probably there for a reason...listen to your gut and God.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

glad you're looking...don't know if you want to drive that far but you're always welcome at LCC. our kids' programs are growing, growing & we have a cool nursery program for even levi's age. just a thought. like andrea said...pray about it..God will lead you where he wants you to be.