Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Big Boy

Levi had his 15 month checkup today. He weighted 23 and 1/2 pounds and was 31" tall. To me that just seems so tall. He is about the same size as my niece and she is 11 months older them him. He got three shots, including a flu shot. Everybody warned me the shots would be alot harder now that he's getting older and they were right. He's tough so he only cried for a minute, but he looked at that nurse like, how could you do this to me.
Another cute little story on Levi: At night, when we go through our bedtime routine, he has started waving and smiling when he's ready for bed. Like I'm done bye-bye, see you in the morning. Then today Barb said she asked him if he was sleepy and he started towards the bedroom for his nap. I just think it's so funny all of a sudden he loves to sleep. I can't tell you how glad I am that we don't have to fight him on sleep anymore.

Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

I understand the gladness of a child who will just go to sleep! I've seen you guys rock and rock and rock..I'm sure it's a relief. By the way, he is tall! Emma was 36 inches just 6 months ago! WOW....

Stacey and Ryan said...

15 months before you don't have to fight sleep? I have 8 long months left to go :( Maybe not though...he has gotten A LOT better the last couple of months.

Corin said...

He's been doing really well since about 11 months. So, that's only 4 months, right.