Wednesday, October 29, 2008

'Cause after all he's just a man

Can anyone guess what song that line's from? Winner gets the satisfaction of knowing they are smarter then everyone else.

Sometimes I really enjoy a little trip up to Lancaster by myself. I turn the radio way up load and sing my heart out. I get really into it too, I have these delusions that I'm really good. With no one in the car to criticise me I sing loud and (I'm sure) off key. Anyway this was one of the songs I sang on the way home last night. I had never really paid much attention to the lyrics until last night while trying to sing them. (Oh yea, knowing the words has no bearing on weather I sing the song or not.) So, I heard this line and it just struck me as so funny I had to share. Hope everyone has a great day.

Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

I do not know the name to that song, but would like to use it in a fight. Vance has so many good songs to ridicule me with! I also think I sing rather well in the car, by myself!

Corin said...

Vance probably would know this song too.

Stacey and Ryan said...

stand by your man isn't it?