Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Best Advice I Ever Got

While I was trying to decide what to write on Lauren's graduation card, I started thinking about advice. I wanted to say something meaningful, but not cheesy, preferably funny, but memorable too. I don't think that I was accomplished any of that and I couldn't think of any advice to give her. It all just sounded lame and cliche This morning I was thinking about the best advice I'd ever got, I should have put this on Lauren's card. It's never failed me.

Joe Chamount III once told me: You can be given the best advice but you'll never believe it until you learn it for yourself.

This was so true and simple, I've always remembered it.

I was just wondering what the best advice you ever got was?
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Andrea Frederick said...

that's so true...i've heard to not say your kids will NEVER do something b/c they will always prove you wrong!