Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring for a Day

I'm in a great mood today.
I think it's the taste of good weather, it's got me giddy. I know it's suppose to be yucky again tomorrow, but this taste of sun is just what I needed.

I'm so ready for spring and summer. I'm itching to play outside with Levi and to not bundle up in the morning. I think I have a Vitamin D deficiency. I hope your all enjoying the sun.
Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I have springitis too! Thanks for the bright pictures. I needed that! I'm off to open my window in my classroom for a little fresh air!

Andrea Frederick said...

it's pretty gloomy here, in the dark cloud of losing the tax levy.

Bree Shaw said...

same here! come on spring and summer!