Monday, March 16, 2009

Take a Picture It'll Last Longer

My friend Erin came up to visit from St. Louis on Friday. We didn't do much except visit and attend the lamest St. Patrick's Day parade in history. We did learn though, that if you are the only two (or three if you count Levi) parade spectators you bring home lots of candy. We looked at each others wedding photos and honeymoon photos. She definitely had the more exciting pictures in both categories. It occurred to me this morning that the whole time she was here I didn't take one picture. I'm so mad at myself. I don't know why I can't ever remember to take pictures. I look back and think about all the times that I either forgot my camera at home or just forgot to get it out. I'm missing these memories. I would loved to have taken a picture of Erin and Levi together, or of all of us at the "Parade". I know a pictures is the only way I'll remember that parade. Although, my Grandpa in green polyester pants and Mardi Gras beads was quite a site. I've decided today I'm going to start carrying my camera in my purse so that at least I will have it with me. Now all I have to do is remember to use it. Not exactly sure how I'm going to do that; but one thing at a time I guess. I'm up for suggestions. Andrea, you always take pictures, what is it that reminds you to capture things on camera? And Bree, you always have your camera at the ready, (Gas station pee incident is the perfect example) how do you do that? Please someone help me so I'll have pictures to show later. Think about it, if I take more pictures my blog will be more interesting too.
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

my camera is always in my purse. i think once you get used to having it with you at all times, then you will start remembering to use it. it is just like a part of me, i feel naked without it:) good luck. glad you had a good time with your friend!

Andrea Frederick said...

my camera is also, always in my purse. on the off hand that I have left it at home to charge...i feel lost! i guess, like Bree said, you get use to carrying it and start taking pictures. that's why i don't have a "fancy" camera, b/c i'm hard on's usually in my back pocket, which means it falls to the floor too many times....