Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Knee High Party Pics

Levi did a great job at Dan's party I thought I would give you a picture Diary of his day.

Took a nap with Uncle Chris after an exhausting morning of decorating. They were both asleep, but I was to slow with the camera to catch it.
Took some family pictures. Lookin' a little bored in this one, but hey a boy wants to get down and investigate.
Checked out these pews.
Yep, they seem to be working good, solid construction.

Looked into a future career as the first fire/Avon man. Decided It would be to much work to carry a briefcase and wear a hat.

Stood around and shot the breeze with the fellas.

Then, exhaustion set in.

Mommy tried to entertain him by playing with the camera.
It worked for a little while. Notice the lizard on the head, a tell tell sign that Levi's sleepy

And then he was done. There was no consoling him at this point we just had to walk him around and try and keep him quite. To sleepy to play, to tired to sleep, it's a rough place for everybody.
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

What a sweet boy....I hate it when they get that sleepy. Thanks for posting all the pictures.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Love the pictures...
I always try to put myself in their shoes and then I immediately want out of them. To be carried around by people you're not exactly sure of, out of your element, and so dang tired must be really rough!

Bree Shaw said...

what cute pics!!! thanks for posting all of them.