Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just Call Me Sandra Lee

I love doing the whole Semi homemade cooking thing. I can do wondrous things with cookie and brownie mix. Mostly I like to do these because then I can pass these delicious things off as my own when in reality they only took 15 minutes to make. I view this as the lazy (did I say lazy, I meant busy) person's way to cook really good food with minimal effort.
Probably my favorite thing to snaz up is Macaroni and Cheese. It's amazing there are millions of things you can to to Mac & Cheese. And they all take under 30 minutes to get ready. It's a wonder of culinary engineering that I intend to take full advantage of. That brings me to my point (yes, I have one). Tonight we are having Cheesy One Pot Chicken Cacciatore

Click on the picture for the recipe. The only thing I do different then the recipe is I use Chicken broth instead of water. I think it really adds to the flavor. Also if I'm really in a hurry I use canned chicken instead of cooking it myself.

Oh, and if your scared of the zucchini in it, I was too, but I swear you can't taste it at all. Which is the best way to add vegetables to my diet, without detection. Hope you like it.

Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

um, yumo! I actually kinda like zucchini and I REALLY like easy! thanks for sharing!

Andrea Frederick said...

THanks for making my tummy growl!