Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Want You to be Happy

Today is I Want You to be Happy Day. You all probably knew that already, right? Yeah, me too. Anyway, it's true I do want you to be happy. You are suppose to do something today to make the ones you love happy. I'm planning to make Steve Apple Crisp tonight. My small contribution to his happiness for the day. I wanted to do something for all the people who read my blog to make them happy. This is difficult considering I'm here and your there. I wanted to post a very funny video of Levi that I'm sure would have made you happy, because baby laughs are infectious. But unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to get it on to a memory key to bring it to work and then get it on my computer. Steve tried for me last night but to no avail. You'll just have to see it next time you come visit me, which would make me happy. I love visitors. Okay, back to the point. The only thing that I could think of to make you happy was to pray for you and your happiness.

Please bless everyone that reads this with happiness. Let them see clearly the blessings that you have already bestowed upon them. Bring to them joy and laughter everyday. Grant them their hearts desires. Lighten their hearts and lift there spirits today and always.

It's a frivolous prayer sure, but God hears those too.
Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

God hears it all! Thanks for the prayer and the smile!

Bree Shaw said...

thanks for making us all happy today:) you are such a great person!