Friday, March 13, 2009

Class of 2025 Valedictorian

Catch him while you can ladies. He's already smarter then me it won't be long before he passes you too. I love this picture I think it looks like a senior picture. He even has that high school boy attitude. You know like he's to cool to smile to much.

Anyway, on to how my boy is a genius. When he was sick the other day he got up in the morning and said, "I want G2". My almost 20 month old said a 3 word sentence. He says other three word sentences I just can't think of any right now. He's advanced most kids don't do that until there 3. He also says Thank you at the appropriate times. He can open doors now (not very excited about that one). He knows all his body parts, including his tongue (Thank you Andrea). He's figured out that he's more likely to get his way if he throws a fit in public. He's smart. We are talking future rocket scientist here.
You can just see the genius can't you.
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

I'm seeing PHD! OF course we aren't biased or anything. VERY cute pictures, especially the last one. Have a great weekend!

Bree Shaw said...

what a smart kid you have:) i think you should keep that top picture and put it next to a similar senior picture.

Cindy said...

It is so much fun to see how much they learn and how quickly...keep it up mom, you are doing awsome! Love the pics.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

such a sweetheart (or is it heartbreaker?). i see bright things ahead for this boy!

Anonymous said...

Definately looks older then he is!! He is a cutie Corin! Glad he is feeling better to :)