Monday, March 9, 2009


Levi is sick again. I so envy the rich, who have nannies and only have to interact with their kids when it's fun and relaxing. Don't get me wrong I love him every minute, but just think about it. No poop, no puke, no snotty noses, no sleepless nights, no trying desperately to figure out what the finger pointing and grunting mean at 2 am. It would be all sunshine and rainbows I'm sure. Please don't turn me in to DFS I love the snot nose I swear. I'm only getting in a half day at work so I gotta run. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

Again?! Colby was really sick through 12-20 hang in there. Just think how great his immunity will be next year! Hope your week perks up!

Bree Shaw said...

ah, shucks! hope he gets to feeling better soon.

Erin said...

Bummer! Hope he feels better soon!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

pooey for Levi. I got Mike and Natalee both well at our house and now I have it. I'm very drippy and have a nice man voice! Hope Levi feels better soon and if he feels anything like me I feel for him :(