Monday, March 2, 2009

100th Post

This is my 100th post I was hoping to have a very cute video to post but I didn't have enough time this morning so that will have to wait until my 101st post. Yeah for me anyway.

This weekend was a whirlwind. I feel like all I got done was put Levi in and take Levi out of his car seat. We had a great time at Dan's party and despite 6 inches of snow they had about 50 people show up.
Levi was bad all weekend. I mean bad, he throw a fit in the grocery store that I'm embarrassed to think about. It's not his fault, I blame myself. We are very homebody people, which means it's pretty easy for us to stick to a schedule. Well, this weekend we were totally off schedule and Levi did not adjust well. He was sleep deprived, he would barely eat, and I wouldn't let him play with anything he thought looked fun. By Sunday we were all ready to crack. Last night he went to bed at 7:15 and slept like a rock until 6:30 this morning. I'm hoping this sleep will bring back my sweet, happy little boy I've been missing all weekend.
Have a great Monday.
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

ah, poor levi. or is poor corin and steve? last week braylon had some terrible fits that made me just want to strangle him! hope he woke up on the right side of the bed today:P

Andrea Frederick said...

how frustrating....but it happens to everyone! i hope you get back in your routine and get your sweetie back!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Natalee's already a routine being...
I can remember Kate Gosselin on Jon & Kate Plus 8 saying one time when her kids were melting down on a train, "routine kids are wonderful until their parents think it's a good idea to take them out of the routine to have a little fun!"