Monday, February 16, 2009

Grass Sledding

By the time Steve got off work on Sat. there was very little snow left, but we didn't let that stop our sledding plans. Oh sure it made it a little more difficult but it was still really fun and the kids loved it.

You can see in the background of all the pictures that there is hardly any snow. It kind of worked out good that way, because then you don't go very fast. Which is what you want when your sledding with a 1 and 2 year old. Kaitlyn go to go down by herself which made her feel very big. She didn't want to stop even when all the snow was gone and we were just pushing her down the hill. At first I thought it was going to suck having such a hilly yard but I love it for things like this.

This is completely off topic but I wanted to share some other pictures from the past couple weeks.

Kaitlyn and Levi playing in his cabinet before we went sledding on Sat. They did so good sharing for a while, then it was all out war for who was going to get in the cabinet.

Levi getting his first haircut. See the look of concern on his face.

Levi in his beloved gum boots, that we have since had to retire because they are too small. I love this picture. I don't know what it is about the gum boots but they make him walk funny, it's very cute.

Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I'm glad you went and made memories even though the snow didn't last. Looks like everyone had a great time.

The haircut picture?...he does look a little "whatcha doing mom? you gonna let them cut my beautiful locks?"

and gums boots? *sigh* i love a little person in boots...they swagger like an old dude!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I'm glad you went and made memories even though the snow didn't last. Looks like everyone had a great time.

The haircut picture?...he does look a little "whatcha doing mom? you gonna let them cut my beautiful locks?"

and gums boots? *sigh* i love a little person in boots...they swagger like an old dude!

Angie said...

Your hair looks very cute, Corin. I love it!
Of course Levi is cute too.

Andrea Frederick said...

I love all the pictures and have to laugh at the "grass sledding" memory! It does look like fun though!

Bree Shaw said...

looks like lots of fun. boys and their boots:) gotta love em!