Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Breaking Even

As of now I've broken even with my Bunco winnings. I'm pretty proud of myself, I think maybe I should stop now. I mean what are the odds that I'm going to do better then this. I had a great time last night and some great food too. I think that we should start having everyone bring the recipes for the dish they bring so they can pass them out. We all talk about exchanging recipes, I don't know about the rest of you but I never end up getting any of them. From last night I would love to have Diane's pasta salad, Tiffany's Snickers salad, and I know there were others but right now I'm drawing a blank on what else we even had to eat. Man, my memory is really sad.
As a side benefit to playing Bunco Levi wanted to sit on my lap all morning. I think my boys missed me. He's getting to the age were he doesn't really like to cuddle much anymore, so I was very excited that he wanted to sit with me and read this morning.
Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

go Bunco Babe! good job last night & glad you got a cuddle this morning!

Andrea Frederick said...

I'm still waiting to break even, but glad I got a couple Buncos last night! I agree with the recipe exchange thing. I think I'll send out an email....

Andrea Frederick said...
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Erin said...

Love the picture! I agree about the recipe thing...good idea! I was really kinda disappointed I didn't have the most losses last night...I mean, are you a bigger loser if you lose, but not enough to be the winning loser? Regardless, it was a blast!

Diane Melvin said...

My pasta salad was just pasta, and little Italian salad dressing, and 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar. I only added it because the dressing was a little strong. My mother-in-law also cuts up tomatoes, cucumbers, or green peppers in her's. Basically any vegetable she has laying around that looks good. It is quick and yummy. And it look less that 10 minutes (I ran cold water over the pasta to cool it off so I didn't have for it to cool in the fridge.).

Diane Melvin said...

My pasta salad was just pasta, and little Italian salad dressing, and 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar. I only added it because the dressing was a little strong. My mother-in-law also cuts up tomatoes, cucumbers, or green peppers in her's. Basically any vegetable she has laying around that looks good. It is quick and yummy. And it look less that 10 minutes (I ran cold water over the pasta to cool it off so I didn't have for it to cool in the fridge.).