Thursday, February 26, 2009


That's how everything is looking to me right now, because I'm moving so fast it's hard to focus.

Levi is sick. I've been trying to get as much done at work in a few hours as possible because I have statements on Friday that I can't avoid. After work tomorrow we are packing up and heading to Kansas for Steve's Dad's surprise 70th birthday party. I'm really not looking forward to a car trip with a sick baby. I've had so much caffeine the last couple of days that my stomach hurts and I feel a little jittery. I'm so ready for February to be over it has not been a good month. Bring on March and spring and hopefully a better month. I won't be blogging tomorrow because of statements and trying to get out of town as fast as possible. Everybody have a great weekend and I'll see you all Mon.
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

Safe travels.....

Bree Shaw said...

hope levi gets to feeling better soon. have a safe trip!