Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh, to be inside his cute head

Sometimes my son does things and I wish so badly that I knew what he was thinking. I can't wait until he is old enough to explain his train of thought to me, I know it's going to be hilarious. But I don't want to wish away this age because he is so fun right now. I love that when he does these wacky little things he has a look of pure joy on his face. I hate that as an adult you don't get that pure joy anymore. I want Levi to hold onto it as long as possible. Anyway on to my story.

Last night I looked through the paper and put it on the floor when I was done. Levi, of course, views this as a new toy. After dancing in circles on the paper for a while he started crinkling up the paper and stuffing it into his little chair. Then he would sit on all the paper and laugh his big 'ol belly laugh. Then he would empty the papers out of the chair and start all over again. It was so fun to watch him because he was having the best time. (I have pictures but forgot to bring them in, I'll try and put them up tomorrow. ) I just wish i knew the thought process behind his actions. It's so clear that he has a plan and purpose I just don't know what it is.
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

I know what you mean. Just wait...maybe his imagination can top Emma's!

Bree Shaw said...

how funny! i love that age too.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Inside that head might be a dangerous place!

Vance said...

corin trust me you don't want to know. the phrase somethings are better unknown is my advise.