Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bunco Crazy

I have been invited to join a Bunco group, I have no idea how to play but that didn't stop me from joining right up. Some of the people who read my blog will be there too and I thought that it sounded like a fun night away from Steve and Levi. I mean I love them but everybody wants a break sometimes. So in preparation for our first meeting I decided I would google Bunco to try and figure out how to play. I discovered that Bunco is Big. Who knew? Apparently I'm the only one who wasn't aware of it's popularity. I was shocked at the amount of info and sites devoted to Bunco. I have to say it looks fun and I'm very excited to try it. But before we do that I thought I would share some of the funnier/crazier things that you will find if you google Bunco. You guys can tell me which of these are necessities for me to have Thur.I actually thought that these were kind of cute. I mean who doesn't want hot pink dice. That has to make things more fun, right?

Pens, obviously we will need to keep score.
Pistachios, We'll need snacks too.

I Love Lucy Set. This has all your required elements.

This is when it started to get a little weird.

Couple of different options for head wear. I'm partial to the tiara, because I'm a princess.

Sunglasses, is it going to be bright where we're playing?

Cheese Slicer?? Okay.

Light up Shot Glass, now we're talking. Of course it lights up otherwise how would you find your drink.

And finally dice lollipops.

Sounds like we are in for a wild time and I for one can't wait. I still have no idea how to play but after my search I'm starting to get the impression it may not matter.

Have a great day.

Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

i have the pink dice to play with! not sure if they are hot pink or not, i can't remember! i am excited too. when i get time to type up the rules, i will email them to you so you might have a better idea. it is very easy to catch on to, lots of fun and it is a GNO!!!! can't wait:)

i think we need to look into getting some of that fun stuff! we will have to talk about it with our fellow bunco girls next week! until then....

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

If you keep that light up shot glass full (or empty, depending on how you look at it), it probably won't matter how we play! Looking forward to a fun night! (and wondering if we really should look further into some tiaras!)

You are too funny!

Bree Shaw said...

when i played before we had a "bunco bear" that whenever someone got a bunco they would get the bear, so it was constantly getting passed around. at the end whoever had the bear got a prize. so maybe we could do something like that but with the tiara?!?! what do you guys think?

Erin said...

Sounds good to me! I'm beyond excited to start, but was also a little thrown at all the google search results yesterday!

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous....can I be in the Bunco group...huh...huh...can I?? :) Too bad there's no long-distance Bunco. We played for Sarah's birthday this year and it is A LOT of fun. Think of me with your tiaras and partying. And it is VERY easy to pick up, so no worries!!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

PS Andrea told me your theme for your Bunco hosting night. LOVE IT & am thinking of a creative dip!

Anita J. said...

Everybody is playing Bunco but me! I am going to have to start a group myself. I have been wanting to get my girls together forever. When I saw the tiaras and heard about the bear, that was it. I Love Lucy didn't hurt.

Anita J. said...

Yep. I thought it was you. At first I couldn't remember but as soon as you commented I knew that you were the one with the great Bunco post who put me over the edge. :)