Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sorry Santa

I forgot to bring my pictures of Levi and Santa again. I promise to try again tomorrow. I need my own personal message system to tell me all these things that I am suppose to remember. I always tell Steve remind me to do (insert soon to be forgotten activity here), but he must be broke half the time because he rarely remembers to remind me. So, hopefully very cute pictures of my boy with Santa will have to be a Christmas Eve treat.

I know I haven't blogged about this much, but my invoicing system at work was having a serious problem and I just wanted to thank God that it is fixed now and I can avoid working late Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas.
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

glad you got your invoicing system up and running so you can enjoy the holidays! Merry Christmas:)

Andrea Frederick said...

i'm glad it's fixed too! did you get a new computer? negociate friday off? can't wait to see the pictures but totally understand about forgetting. i forget things that i had in my hand 10 seconds before! merry christmas!