Wednesday, December 24, 2008

As Promised

Yes it may take me a few days, but when I make a promise I deliver, eventually. These are worth the wait though, don't ya think?
Levi loved Santa. He was a little leery in the beginning, but with in 2 min. he was running up to him with his arms held up. Pretty soon he was charming the socks off of everyone there. Running around with the candy cane Mrs. Claus gave him. He didn't eat it, if you were wondering. Luckily for us I don't think he realized it was food just thought it was a little toy or something.

Here is a random assortment of pictures from this Christmas season.

Levi Hugging his little snowman.

His new favorite game is hiding in the cabinet. He just thinks it's too funny. I cleared out a whole cabinet just for him. He likes to take is toy phone in there, shut the door and just jabber away, like it's his office.

This one is my favorite. He looks so ornery peeking out.
On a side note Levi went to Barb's for the last time today. It made me really sad, she has been such a good sitter for us. I know Phyllis will be just as good I just don't know her as well yet so there's no attachment there. I'm sure all will turn out for the best.
Have a Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all get what your heart desires this Christmas, be it material or not.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. If you happen to be in Kirksville there is a house on East Street behind Wal-mart that is totally worth checking out. There display is choreographed to music that you can listen to on the radio while you watch. All others paled in comparison after that last night.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I love the Santa cute that there was a Mrs. Claus, too! And what a fun mommy you are to clear out a whole cabinet for playtime! Have a great Christmas, Corin! Love to you all.

Anonymous said...

Oh Corin, makes me happy to know that Levi is such a lucky boy to have a mom that would give up coveted cabinet space so he can hide inside!

Andrea Frederick said...

Love the cabinet story...and yes he looks ornery. I feel sad for the last day of Barb's too, but know God has chose this road for a reason. Good luck on Friday...and if you want me to watch him just bring him up!

Bree Shaw said...

what a great mom you are to clear that cabinet out just for him. the santa picture is great!