Monday, October 27, 2008

Knitty Gritty

Do you knit? Do you know someone who knits? Do you want to learn to knit? If you answered yes to any of these questions then I want you. I would love to start a knitting group. The only small problem with this plan is that I don't know anyone who knits that lives anywhere near me. So If you may even remotely be interested or know someone who may be let me know.
I promise it would be fun. I'll make cookies. We could think of a cutsie name like Chicks with Sticks or Knit and "Complain"(You know what I mean I'm trying to keep it g rated. I don't want to get flaged for content). It's a good escape from the kids. Work on fun projects that are very useful especially in cold winter months. Contribute to charity organizations. I realize this is a long shot, but I've been thinking about this for a while now thought I would put it out there and see if I can generate any interest.
Jenn did I hear you say at the baby shower that you knit? Think of all the cute things we could make for the baby.
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

I would be willing to learn. How many times did you follow me around the scrapbooking stores? Our church as a group called the KNIT W.I.T.S...I think. Don't know I've never gotten involved. After the house is finished.....

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

me, me, me! i am a beginner as in i've started a potholder & don't know how to finish it & get it off my needles. i know nothing fancy. i have cool project ideas rolling around in my head that i'm dying to try. our church does have a group but i've not gone. it would be fun to branch out so we could see each other more often & the 2 groups could combine projects if we ever worked on something big...
holler when you're really ready to start long as you're willing to help me learn :)